by True Law Stories | Apr 26, 2024 | Personal Injury Law Stories, Uncategorized
Imagine starting your career in the bustling world of television news, diving right into the thick of media after graduating in telecommunications. This is where Rosanna Catalano’s unique path began, leading her from the University of Florida to pivotal roles in...
by True Law Stories | May 19, 2023 | Discrimination Stories, Estate Planning, Uncategorized
True Law Stories Podcast: Fighting in Estates with Attorney Hashi Richards In the latest episode of True Law Stories, Attorney Hashi Richards, an estate and immigration attorney from Orlando, appeared to discuss fighting in estates and her experience as a female...
by evolveAdmin | Feb 27, 2023 | Elder Care Stories, Elder Law, Uncategorized
In this podcast, we explore the often-overlooked legal and financial challenges of caring for an aging loved one. Our featured guest Jason Neufeld, Founder and Managing partner from Elder Needs Law describes how one woman found herself in dire straits while taking...