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I thought I was really in trouble. Really, really, really in trouble. To be honest, [inaudible 00:00:03] that I pay taxes and I have all my paperwork and everything right, but it could have gone either way. But, I think the good communication of truth ends up with the Judge, with the D.A., with everybody, is what really helped me get this outcome.
I grow medical marijuana for patients. I am a caregiver in Colorado. I had a case in 2011 where the State dismissed. They went to my warehouse and they got about 80 or 90 [inaudible 00:00:33]. My lawyer with my medical stuff, with my medical marijuana, she told me “I suggest you get Dougie.” We took it to State court and they dismissed it.
In November of 2016, they caught me with a bunch of wet materials. They went to my warehouse again. The day I was drying. I let them in, because I really didn’t think there was going to be a problem. I have all my paperwork, I pay taxes, everything is to the T. They come in, they arrest me, they take all my stuff. They weighed the medical marijuana at 183 pounds. Basically they dismissed it again.
I should feel really comfortable with that. It was never an issue to get to see them. I could go see Dougie. I’ve seen Dougie on a Friday when he’s not working, at midnight. He’s like, “Oh, I’m not working today, but I’m in the office. Come in.” So they tell me, “Hey, expect the worst.” This is what could happen and they never gave me any false hopes or anything like that. Everybody there is on top of calling the judge, the lawyer. I never saw any kind of taking their time and to call immediately as soon as I called. I get a call back from the cops or something happens immediately. I understand they are a popular business. They’re worth what I paid them.